Posts Tagged ‘maps’

All Metin2 GM Codes – alle MT2 GM Befehle
Oft ein Thema sind die GM (Gamemaster) Codes. Diese Codes dienen dem GM den Server zu steuern und andere Aktionen auszuführen.

Da diese sehr Umfangreich sind werde ich einzeln auf die bestimmten Themengebiete eingehen und dazu neue Beitrage in unserem Metin2 Blog erstellen.

Um diese MT2 GM Codes schnell und einfach zu finden, benutzt bitte die Blogsuche.

Hier mal die Overall Commands und Codes:

VERWANDLUNGSKUGEL = /polyitem [MonsterID]

Eigenes Level ändern = /level [Level]

Verwandeln = /poly [MonsterID]

Alle In deiner Nähe befindenden Monster und NPC´s verschwinden = /purge

Monster rufen = /m [MonsterID] [Anzahl]

Als GM schreiben = /n [Text]

Ankündigung schreiben = /b [Text]

Einen Spieler zu sich teleportieren = /transfer [Name]

Zu einem Spieler teleportieren = /warp [Name]

Item/Gegenstand erstellen = /item [ItemID] [Anzahl]

Jemanden töten = /kill [Name]

Pferd rufen = /horse_summon

Tag oder Nacht machen = /x 1 für Nacht /x 2 für Tag

Spieler kicken = /dc [Name]

Inventar/Equipment löschen = /ip

Volle TP und HP bekommen = /r

Yang erstellen = /set [Name] gold [Yang Anzahl]

Rangpunkte erstellen = /set [Name] align [Rangpunkte]

Pferd Leveln = /horse_level [Name] [Level]

Laufgeschwindigkeit erhöhen = /mspd 0 – 1000

TP erhöhen = /set_maxhp [zahl]

MP erhöhen = /set_maxsp [zahl]

Alle Mobs in deiner Umgebung gehen auf 1HP down = /weak

Du machst dich unsichtbar/ Sichtbar = /in

Einem Spieler Exp geben = /set [Name] exp [Zahl]

Level eines anderen Spielers ändern = /a [Name][LeveL]

Anzeigen der Laufenden Gildenkriege = /gwlist

Stoppen der Gks[ID] [ID] (muss min 6000Sec gelaufen haben.) = /gwstop[ID] [ID]

Du gibst einem spieler lange zeit Ohnmacht = /stun [Name]

Du Verlangsamst einen Spieler eine weile = /slow [Name]

/block_chat [NAME] [sekunden] x = Du blockst den Chat für einen Spieler

/block_chat [NAME] [stunden] xh = Du blockst den Chat eines Spielers fuer .. Stunden

/block_chat_list = Du siehst welche Leute Chatblock haben

(300 = 5 Minuten, 1800 = 30 Minuten, 3600 = 1h = 1 Stunde, 36000 = 10h = 10 Stunden,

259200 = 72h = 72 Stunden )

Einem anderen Spieler Skills machen = /setskillother [Name] [Code] (Bsp. /setskillother Saaja 1 59 )

Alle Mops/NPCs auf der Minimap verschwinden = /purge all

Mops anziehen (wie Tapferkeitsumhang) = /pull oder /pull all

Ergänzung der M2 GM/GA Codes:

GA Befehle:
/shutdown eig. Server reset aber der Server ging bei mir nicht mehr an

/purge all alle Mobs auf einer Map und alle NPCs verschwinden

/reload [q] Lädt alle NPCs und auch Mobs neu Argumente: 1 oder mehr Sinn: dinge neu laden wie quests// für Updates

/siege ka bestimmt irgendwas Gildenkrieg mäßig

/reset Serverreset //wenn man das so eingibt passiert nichts man muss noch irgendwas drannhängen ./ glaube ich

/gete Status Abfrage bestimmter funktionen

Fangen alle mit /e an:
/e lotto_round

/e lotto-drop [value]

/o Zuschauermodus

/ tran characters name calling (with a map to use), namely: to arrest people before you, no prompt to confirm each other.
/ sum character name calling (not with the use of a map), that is, calling people to the front of you without restriction map, necessary to confirm each other.
/ dc-player characters the name of Kick off the assembly line.
/ not the contents of all the map of the people can see, GM issued Notice the use of Games.
/ znot content with a map where people can see, ibid, effectively limited to the current map.
/ zreset
Usage: / zreset. / *
If the band parameters of the decimal point: “.” Update their location map monster, such as a BOSS Brush once per hour, loaded with strange kill you, use this command, BOSS directly update.
If the parameters with an asterisk: “*” to update all maps monster.
/ mute禁言to prohibit the characters speak.禁言the abolition of the use of / u names.
Usage: / mute character name time 3600 to one hour. The default is one hour
/ u to restore the state of
Usage: / u user name and restore the user’s state, including all the magic, skills, crime state (do not clear the crime value).
/ siege siege and opening up (after the opening can not be used), turn off siege: delete the current server directory siegetime.dat document, GM once again enter / siege will be the immediate abolition of siege.
/ castle / / open after the siege, use this command to observe.
/ gm GM stealth mode, enter the net once again switched to normal mode, or enter / u.
/ tree move coordinates. moving trees, do not coordinate directly with the current screen to clear all the trees.
/ shutdown a server restart.
/ a names grading / / such as: / a ymir 999.
/ pu / /杀怪, killing all the monsters on the current screen, NPC is not clear.
/ sets the name of names of persons skills or magic rating
/ set names figure str / / set up the power of people
/ set names dex figure / / set the agile
/ set names figure int / / set the intellectual
/ set names hp figure / / set the blood values
/ set names max_hp figure / / set the maximum value of blood
/ set names mp figure / / set the magic value
/ set names max_mp figure / / set the maximum magic value
/ set names race elf / / Variable Wizard
/ set names race dwarf / / Variable Dwarf
/ set names race sent / / Variable Shura
/ set name sex male / / changed man
/ set names sex female / / Variable female
/ mload strange or / m Quantity strange name or code / / brush strange
/ iload name or quantity of equipment and equipment code / / brush designated equipment
/ gload ID / / brush under the current map group within the definition of its monster.
/ itempurge empty the items a player (not including money), abbreviated: / it names.
/ skillban names.
The role of this command is: When a player does not add the corresponding Association, and the GM magic or skills directly to the brush out, the players will be the state of black is not available at this time only once again to join the Association, then GM Use this command to remove the black状态.
/ who. GM used to show line number and the number of the current map.
/ sh. equivalent to /!
/ nosh will not watch the news of others. Re-enter the abolition of shielding state.
/ clan showed assist information.
/ oload this command is used to brush the target. without the actual use of significance.
/ reload to reload the server parameters. monster parameters such as modified. use update.
Note: the current map of all the monsters will be the old parameters. Must re-Brush is a new set of parameters.
/ shop to manually update the number of items in stores.
/ castleking gang name: Master gang has a manually set.
/ castledamage siege parameter settings. without the actual use of significance.
/ resetquest names. This is a plug-in early to prevent the use of fishing the question set order, without the actual use of significance.
/ majiang Show mahjong Ranking.
/ uhuhu official genuine validation.
/ sneak characters name. used to enter the invisible state. For instance: You打怪, the blame can not you play. will penetrate.
/ excard this command as a means for trading on the official cards.
/ save or / save all, the former players will save the data manually. the latter manually save the current map data for all players.
/ marry and / divorce is marriage and divorce orders. necessary before use in the Great Angel.
/ lottery lottery manual.
/ quit Exit Game.
that’s the Strength of a GM Wink (maybe it’s little bit diffrent here)
Credits to lolkid2009!

Ich hoffe diese erste Auswahl an MT2 GM Befehelen konnte euch schon etwas helfen. Wer damit nicht zurecht kommt, kann seine Frage als Kommentar posten oder sich im Forum beteiligen.